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A Guide to Dental bonding

Sep 09, 2022
A Guide to Dental bonding

Dental issues are something everyone faces, especially if you have a chipped, cracked, or discoloured tooth. The good news is that cosmetic dental procedures like tooth bonding can give you the ultimate lift-up to show off those pearly whites again. So what’s actually cosmetic dental bonding?

Dental bonding, which comes under cosmetic dentistry, is a dental practice that lets you change or alter the size, colour, and shape of your tooth. A cosmetic dental bonding procedure involves bonding resin materials to teeth and then curing the adhesives; this protects the dentin (interior) from decay while improving the overall teeth’ appearance.

What Is Dental Bonding?

Dental Bonding can help in repair with composite resin by applying a tooth-coloured resin to one or more teeth. The procedure can also be used to repair discoloured teeth and fill in gaps between them or even to lengthen a tooth that is too short. When compared to other cosmetic dental procedures, such as veneers and crowns, dental bonding is a more cost-effective solution. It can replace amalgam fillings and prevent gum receding from infecting the root.

As part of the bonding procedure, your dentist will choose a composite resin colour. The shade will usually match your natural teeth colour with hardly the slightest difference. A roughened surface is applied to the tooth to make it easier for the adhesive to adhere.

When Should You Do Dental Bonding?

  • If you’ve cracked, broken, chipped, or decayed teeth, then dental bonding should be your first choice.
  • Individuals who want to lengthen or alter the shape of their teeth can also go for dental bonding
  • Cosmetic dentistry procedures like dental bonding can help in the protection of tooth roots preventing gum recession
  • Improvement of discoloured teeth
  • Close the unnecessary space between teeth

How To Care For A Bonded Tooth?

The bonding material can chip if you bite your fingernails or chew on anything, cold pressing, ice or other hard-to-chew food and objects. You should also avoid tearing things open with your bonded teeth. A bonded tooth may have sharp edges or feel odd when you bite down. Contact Spring Dental, the cosmetic dentistry in Quincy, if you notice anything unusual such as pain, blood or sensations.

If you’ve gone for a bonded tooth, then you must brush your teeth twice a day. Additionally, flossing and rinsing with an antiseptic mouthwash once a day is a must to ensure oral hygiene. Lastly, visiting your dentist often for checkups and cleaning is always the best practice to avoid future harm.

Final Words!

See your dentist for a consultation if you require an inexpensive repair to cover discoloration, a chipped tooth, or a gap in your tooth. This procedure works best on healthy teeth that have experienced minor damage or trauma. Talk to your nearest Cosmetic dentistry in Quincy about dental bonding and get yourself a healthy and bright smile. Your dentist can determine whether dental Bonding is suitable, and if it is not right for you, he or she can suggest alternative options for improving your smile.


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